Upgrading by yourself the RAM of your HP48G to 256K

This document is based on the file 48GS256K.ZIP. The original document describe how to upgrade your HP48G(S) to 256K with standard DIL ram packages. I would like to thanks Thomas Otten and Thijs Kaper for their initial works.
You can download the file
In this document, I explain how to use SMD (surface mounted chip) ram chips to do the same upgrade, but for HP48G only. If you want to upgrade the HP48S, you should refer to the original file. Moreover, you'll find some pictures showing how to open your HP without damages, and what looks like the upgrade.


Do the upgrade only if you know you're qualified to do it ! 
Watch out for any Static-discharges ! 
Of course this upgrade is at your own risk, you lose all waranty, if you had any left......


Parts needed:

You need also a thin soldering iron. The soldering tip should be less than 2mm (1/10 inch) wide.
You'll need as secondary accessories: Provide yourself also with a lot of patience!


Let's start!

The numbers inside brackets are the size of the document with pictures.
  1. Open your HP.

  2. This part was originaly written by Paul Smith. All pictures are my work, as the html translation.
    1. Are you sure? Ok, backup your memory!
    2. Remove carrefully the overlay (31k)
    3. Remove 10 platics rivets(43k)
    4. Pull appart the two parts of the case(29k)
  3. Look inside (119k)
  4. Upgrade
    1. 32k to 128k (easy) (46k)
    2. 128k to 256k (more difficult) (10k)
  5. Close & Test (6k & 31k)
Usefull datas:


